tsu in any case there is indeed room for discussion but you might agree that today's rhopalic is a Type-3 if not -18

olly The Whimsical Ambiguity Alligator

Bran re Relapsing-remittent annoyances, I well understand and of course you are not alone but I have ruminated upon that and concluded that not every participant reads each and every post and therefore some repetitions are required to emphasize a critical issue where instead a link to the original might prove a nuisance

sleepy yes I can well understand your position as many of our acquaintances upon procreating have lately eschewed my Sons' and my beer-tasting sessions in the jacuzzi although it can't really account for the entire pullout. In both instances I hope many will rejoin when the kids grow old enough to (1) join AWAD themselves or (2) come to appreciate The Brew
