So many news articles today contain spelling errors; this is one place where one could expect correct usage, IMO. But either the editing process has degenerated or I am now among the minority in caring about spelling and grammar.

IMO, it's the editing process that has pretty much disappeared. That and the technology now means that the reporter is also the person who enters the data. In the old days, reporters turned over their typewritten stories to editors who edited them before passing them on to the typesetters who re-keyed everything and finally some paste-up guy arranged everything onto the page. The more eyes, the more likely that errors were caught. From my experience very few people know anything about punctuation, usage, or grammar, and even fewer really care. And for those who care, most of them are deluded by atrocious usage rules such as Strunk & White et al. peddle.

Ceci n'est pas un seing.