Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
Here in the plains we have wild rhubarb, looking very much
like the edible kind. Sometimes someone will pick a stalk
and try to eat it. It may be edible, who knows?, but it
sure does not taste good.

Some folks add a bunch of sweetener of one sort or another. If you haven't prepared the rhubarb yourself you might not be aware of this fact. Whatever you do, don't eat the leaves.

Of course. Then again I should not say that, as there are some who probably do not know that.
Wild rhubarb and domesticated are distinctly different. I promised Bran a picture, and will post it on
Flickr when I get it to my computer (since I cannot seem to post on the threads.)

----please, draw me a sheep----