the culture of the United States has long been heavily influenced by Calvinist ideals, so why should not the language reflect the same appreciation for the frugal and the efficient, over the frivolous and redundant

Oh, Max, ya found us'n out! But, redemption is around the corner. We have soooooo many new influences from all over that the language (American) is changing, as ever! And, that frugality really is only a New Englandy sort of thing (check Emily Dickenson and Robert Frost and then take a look at the Southern writers, but please leave Hemingway out of this!)

Besides, let it never be said that an American didn't wanna have fun - we just work at it .

As to poetic and poems - well, so we get to wax poetic while composing poems. What do the Brits do?

Aside from all this - I do love the Englishman's capacity for the frivolous - Alice in Wonderland comes to mind.