Originally Posted By: tsuwm

........ not sure I trust Dictionary.com.....does nothing to differentiate the multiple uses to which the web is now put.

Originally Posted By: dale
OneLook reflects all current usages and irrefutably demonstrates semantic drift or what I call "smearing".

I think you've smeared (in the more traditional sense) OneLook by equating it to Dictionary.com. they're not at all the same thing, as OneLook includes the latter, as well as 990 other dictionaries.

Yes tsu I realize that and I regret I can't express myself more clearly. What I meant to say was that a perusal of the dictionaries might reveal a number of more generalized definitions of certain terms which would support my observations about semantic shift

......since you're chewing up Anu's bandwidth with this discussion, why not use his terminology: Wordsmith Talk (bulletin board) which includes several Forums of which this ( Q&A about words ) is one.

Yes yes again forgive me for my apparent lack of clarity. Quite to the contrary, I was not seeking a term specifically to describe WS but a more generalized expression that would cover all sites of a general type in which the average clod (me) by posting therein is found conversing with others; and preferably being foreshortened, abbreviated, or otherwise colorfully designated by a term using fewer letters but unlike "blog" or "PC" upon which most participants would agree
