Originally Posted By: etaoin
did you read the wikipedia links, dale? or are you just into some chain-wanking?

Yes really I did, or at east the introductory paragraphs which seemed to indicate that a PC or Personal Computer is any sort of desktop model no matter the maker or OS, and yes I understand that is the impression many if not most bloggers reflect. However my techie buddies tell me that that the unit first used widely for Windows etc and called the PC was of a sort of modular design not common with Apple units and that was the reason I shouldn't use that abbreviation in reference to my new Mac

So I was looking for an abbreviation or shortie expression that would cover either kind of computer without any ambiguity. My most abject apologies if I wan't clear

Also I got the impression that "blog," "message board," "weblog," "website," and "Internet forum" are used pretty much to mean the same thing
