>...ANZAC biscuits appear to be the only uncontestably Australasian confection. Is this so?

Max, he posts guiltily, as yet another thread finds it way unerringly onto the regional cook-book highway (sorry Anna, but he made me do it!):

I have an idea that we lay claim to the lamington - a cube of sponge (as in sponge-cake) dipped in chocolate icing and then rolled in dessicated coconut. Used to be very popular as a fund-raiser, particularly by girl guides who would hold "lamington drives".

No doubt I'll now find that its invention is disputed.

P.S. A quick google reveals that there is in fact some dispute about both the invention and the etymology (thank goodness I can tie it back in to AWAD with some relevance). Perhaps a relocation over to Recipes and Other Non-language Topics would be in order if anyone wants to pursue this.