November 11 is still something of a [red-letter] day here, as it is Armistice day, commemorating the signing of the Armistice that ended WWI.

Ditto here of course, plus for rememberances of a different sort, as it was on that day in 1975 that the Queen (of England)'s "representative", Governor-General Sir John Kerr, invoked still-disputed constitutional rights to sack the popularly-elected Prime Minister Gough (pronounced Goff) Whitlam, and installed the leader of the opposition as caretaker prime minister. Several times over the ensuing years I've seen that great piece of historical footage: Gough on the steps of Parliament House, towering over the little bureaucrat who made the official announcement, booming his famous words "Well might they say 'God Save the Queen', because nothing will save the Governor-General."

And Max, re WW1's role in instilling a sense of nationhood for NZ, and Australia, the emotions still aroused by the acronym (yes, it is one) "ANZAC" and the Anzac Day commemoration (25 April) are ample testament to that.