No, mid summer is not in June--It is August 1st, Lughansa (as in the play, Dancing at Lughansa)
All four cross days (Feb 1/May 1, Aug 1 Nov 1) are Irish year markers-- Birth of Spring, Birth of summer, mid summer, and death of summer(and year)-- and all 4 are associated with the crossing over of spirits to from the other world to this world-- On Halloween, all the souls of everyone who has died in the past year, must leave this world for the other world--All of the other holidays are associated with the gods coming to earth-- gateways opening as it were-- between this world and the other world. and mystical messages (like forecasting weather!)

Lughansa was still celebrated in Ireland in the 30's-- Lugh was one of the pagan gods of ireland.
--my mother was displeased that i was born May first, but one of my aunts, (Nov 1st) always said we were both blessed with second site being born on such important holidays!