Originally Posted By: The Pook
Interestingly, I read just this morning about an art exhibit by an installation artist called Marco Evaristti in the town of Kolding in Denmark where the police were called to shut it down for just this reason. The interactive exhibit consisted of goldfish swimming in kitchen blenders. The public could push the button on the blender if they wanted to. Apparently two goldfish had already become bouillabaisse by the time the animal rights people had complained about it!

This is pure, unadulterated hypocrisy! I'm sure the Danes eat lots of fish, and don't tell me their capture and death is more humane than a quick blender experience. Is a goldfish somehow exempt because it is kept as a pet? How about an exhibit which would allow the public to kill an ant? Or a fly? Or a wasp? Would the animal rights activists be all over that? Why do goldfish have more "rights" than insects? I'm all for not being cruel and not torturing animals; in fact, I make sure to buy cage-free hen's eggs (yes, I know they still have little space, but it's better than a cage...) and free-range beef, when I can get it, but the actual killing of animals is routine. I realize there are vegans among us, and respect their right to eat what they wish, for whatever reason. I kill lettuce, too...