Originally Posted By: twosleepy

The idea of "idiom blend", I suppose related to the mixed metaphor, is interesting. I love making combinations like this! One of my mother's favorite phrases was "Six of one, half dozen of another." I purposely "renew" that one when I use it, in different ways, but usually some variant of "Three dozen chickens, six dozen eggs". People usually just ignore it... But some of the examples given were:
It's not rocket science + It's not brain surgery = It's not rocket surgery
He's under the gun + He's behind the eight ball = He's under the eight ball
That's another kettle of fish + That's another can of worms = That's another kettle of worms

It might be fun to come up with a few, although I'm blanking at the moment... :0)

I'd contribute some but I'm not exactly the sharpest bulb in the six-pack.