Originally Posted By: tsuwm
>...and the broswer's search box is that little area up in the window's pane's top right-hand corner with the magnifying glass...

tsu I'm beginning to feel guilty, afraid Admin will shut us down if we continue thus. However, when I click on the mag I get a little blue window entitled "spotlight" that requires me to type something, I have no idea what it wants

What would really be nice if the were an icon somewhere when you click on it, it cycles you to another active window. The closest I have been able to come, requires switching back and forth between "Window" and Dock, very clumsy. My No. 1 Son has provided me with means for switching back and forth between Word and Mail but it's somewhat clumsy and full of glitches. However I think we must be trying the others' patience and so if you were to give up in utter disgust I would understand

Evidently the digital word and I wee not cut out for mutual intraction

..tho you can reach me at dalehileman@me.com
