Originally Posted By: etaoin
well, in that case, I don't use Word for much of anything, and I don't use any macros.

*****Although it is by no means a reflection on the profession, as I said, many of us, especially "engineers," don't write much and thus don't appreciate the saving of keystrokes. With DOS I had provided myself 105 macros, over a period of some 17 years saving me perhaps ten million unnecessary and tedious keystrokes

*****With Word/Outlook editing was somewhat easier but I nonetheless dragged a dozen or two of the helpful little fellows up into the editing toolbar. Even Delete, Backspace, Spacebar, and a few other one-strokers which then allowed me to lean back. doing much with the mouse

I also rarely if ever consult the Thesaurus, at least not the digital kind.

*******I use it up to 100 times a day. In Outlook of course I placed it in the toolbar through Word so that I could access it in one click. In Entourage it required two clicks. In Mail it's not available by any conventient means and so it's one I miss most sorely [excuse the alliteration; it's that very sort of thing upon which the writer depends for editing to correct]

there are a bunch of key commands available in any mac program, however, just look in the various Menu item dropdowns.

*******Oh have. In Mail for instance, Thesaurus is the one missing from Tools

***** I suppose I could eventually learn the key commands for all Bill's macros, as well as all Mac's (I believe there are hundreds) as well as those of the F keys (Believe there are only 40 or 50) but I had hoped Mac would have made it easier not more difficult; tho at the verge of senility I just don't have that much time left

as for switching program windows, nothing could be easier: hold the Apple key (next to the Space Bar) and press the Tab key; it will toggle between whatever applications you have open.

*****I tried it and got about five huge color icons which I'm not quite sure how to use but I'm guessing the process requires additional keystrokes. Then somehow they begin flashing in a sort of scrolling fashion. When I let go of tab in preparation for selecting one [on the fly?], they all disappeared. If you could elaborate how windows might be cycled with one keystroke using a macro in the toolbar I'd be indebted

****Incidentally back in the good old days my red spelling wigglies were forever disappearing, whereupon I composed a macro requiring 18 keystrokes to restore them. Of course I placed the macro in the toolbar but if you don't mind the additional pecking why be my guest, I'd be glad to pass it along. However, it doesn't work in every version of Windows and maybe not at all in Mac

I would also suggest you look for a Mac-User Group in your area.

Than you most kindly eta for those links though alas in my 79th year I'd hoped learning Mac wouldn't be so dreadfully time consuming
