germane to this,
the worthless word for the day is: chuffed

[orig. northern Eng. dial. meaning proud] /chuft/
1) pleased, delighted; flattered; very excited
2) displeased, disgruntled

"Qualifiers and context may be required to distinguish
usage from the previous sense as 'pleased'. Variants
include 'dischuffed' and 'dead chuffed'." [see below]
- Eric Partridge et al. The New Partridge Dictionary
of Slang and Unconventional English

"'He'll not be chuffed at you paying off old debts on
company time.' 'He's going to be even less chuffed if
something big did happen and South were sitting
there smugly saying, "Well, we did warn you!"'"
- Reginald Hill, Death's Jest-Book (2004)

"'And I thought that Sir Monty.. would be bum-chuffed
to hear that something bad might be happening...'"
- Reginald Hill, The Roar of the Butterflies (2008)
