eta what a remarkably even-tempered fellow are you in this ferment of communal denunciation called the Blogosphere. I am incidentally any time you feel the urge to exchange horror stories

It is also interesting to note, incidentally, that Mac apparently doesn't recognize an email address since mine above wasn't flagged in te usual way I had come to expect but then I've been accused of being excessively critical

...while I can't say whether Bill's spellcheck is any more competent but it is appalling to note that Mac didn't recognize "te" above as a possible misspelling for "the"

Some of us gain the impression that the software engineers hate us all. However, we might be wrong, that instead the problem lies in the construction and circuitry of the kind of brain required for that kind of work (present company of course excepted). I imagine they’re deficient in the area which might otherwise serve everyday needs of Man, that even for what we would consider the smallest, most insignificant decision they require a committee meeting

On the morning they discussed the spelling algorithm they argued for hours about the criterion required to select suggested corrections. Finally they took a vote on a compromise rule where a missing letter might be selected on the basis of its keyboard location; that it might qualify if it appeared on the same row or adjacent to one of the correct letters. However, "the" would be rejected because the "h" is both on a different row and one key removed from adjacency

Mac was pretty sure however that "te" might be the misspelling of "et"
