Spare me the mindless rantings of the LSSU nattering nabobs. I'll mention just a few of their idiocies:

1. Authored. What are we supposed to say, authed?

2. Webinar. Geesh! Perfectly good portmanteau word.

3. Waterboarding. If you don't like the thing, ban the thing. Until then, leave the word alone.

4. Decimate. Excuse me. Are you going to complain about people being called candidates if they're not wearing all white?

5. Random. By all means, let's ban words that are fleeting slang. By the time the list comes out they are either gone already or have become a new, accepted meaning. It's bad enough wasting ink on these ravening peeves; it's worse wasting it on ravening peeves that are already irrelevant.

As for 'truthiness', I don't know if someone else coined the usage that Colbert made famous. I do know that's not the meaning listed in the OED with a citation from 1824.

My annual renomination for the LSSU Banned Words List: Banned words.