"what does Entourage have to do with posting at AWAD?"

I presume it's Entourage that prevents me from highlight-drag in AWAD

" ...and my posts get spellchecked as I type."

So do mine, which is a distinct improvement using Mac over Bill

"I can also do highlight and drag, even in the Quick Reply box that I'm using right now."

That's probably because you're using Mail not Entourage, the latter surviving from Bill's domain and probably distinctly inferior in many ways

"...give yourself some time to learn the ins-and-outs of a new system. your are to be commended for doing so!"

Why thank you eta; it's rare to get a sincere complement in this iniquitous den of sidebar adversary and hotbed of mutual recrimination. Even my technically trained No. 1 Son, God love him, drags me over the coals for my near-senile inability to cope with the New World

...while my No. 2 Son, bless his soul, understands my confusion because he feels about the Digital Realm much as I do in my near-senility
