olly thank you kindly for that link. I would ensconce it amongst my Faves but in Mac I haven't yet learned how

Lat: Thank you for that warning. However I am assured that so long as you don't open suspicious files, especially attachments, that as eta says, Mac is extremely resistant to viruses and the like

eta, once more thank you for your welcome as well as your input. My very helpful, highly remunerated and competent aerospace IT No. 1 Son was unable to successfully install Mail and so I have to use Entourage, which as you must know is mac's version of Outlook

Incidentallly for every advantage of Mac there seems to be a drawback. For example, Entourage gives me an instant spellcheck in posts such as this one where Outlook didn't. However, Mac falls down in the editing department. For instance I find I am unable to highlight then drag a word or phrase and instead have to laboriously cut-and-paste

Thank you too for that link which I will pass along to my No. 1 Son in the hope that he might be able to use it somehow to transfer my taskbar macros from Word

Admin thank you for leaving this thread where it is and will therefore get more attention than if you dropped it into one of the more obscure forums
