Originally Posted By: latishya
Originally Posted By: dalehileman
My first impression: Mac is of course immune to viruses,

I hope for your sake that you don't really believe that. There are a lot less viruses and other malware written for Mac OSes, mostly becausre the potential target base is so muxh smaller. As the number of Macs grows, so does the amount of malware written for it. There are some nasties out there just for Macs, and if you do trust in Mac's "immunity" you will be disappointed.

immune, no, but much more resistant, yes. the underlying architecture of the Mac OS is much less vulnerable to attacks and malware than Windows.

that is not to say that macs never have problems, of course not.

I don't use Entourage dale, so I'm no help there, but I find Mail to be a very good program. there are other possible solutions to your macro hopes. check over at www.versiontracker.com

amd welcome to the club!

formerly known as etaoin...