I am, and I do! My husband was born in Italy and emigrated at age 2 1/2. He had a green card for most of his life (so far...), because he didn't want to pay the fee (about $50 then) and travel to Buffalo to take care of it. Don't ask why he had to go to Buffalo, because I'm not sure. Anyway, he was not eligible to vote with just a green card, which didn't bother him in his callow youth, but as he got older and took issue with decisions that affected him, but which he was unable to affect through voting, he decided he would take the plunge. Italy allows citizens to maintain dual citizenship, so he felt he wasn't losing anything, although he's never voted in any Italian elections. He was chagrined, however, to find out that the fee had risen to over $100 dollars. He became a citizen about 5 years ago, attended by me and our three sons at city hall, and it was a memorable moment. Only one problem: my vote now usually gets cancelled out by his! :0)