jumping in (where i have no place to be..but has that ever stopped me?)

a creole is a language (made up by children) using elements of 2 or more language.

a pidgin is a communications system, with no established grammer, that uses vocabulary of 2 or more languages. Pidgins are crude, and exist only to perform specific tasks.. (ie, someone might speak a pidgin at work, but goes home to native language)

Creoles grow out of pidgins, and are real languages, with rules of grammar (that can be recognized, even if they are not formally established). Creoles use words from several languages, and also make up new words (that are not in either language)

Childen of the people who speak the pidgin, mingle, and at first use the pidgin.. but in short while (a generation) the pidgen evolves into a creole (but many also know the original language of parents, (and might speak it at home with parents) but as creole speakers become parents, they speak creole at home (with their children ) as well as in public (market place, work, etc)

the pidgin 'dies out" or only spoken by the newest of immigrants, (and only for a short while)