Originally Posted By: The Pook
 Originally Posted By: morphememedley
Here Colorado native “mapguy” states,
Colorado: we natives pronounce it call-uh-RAD-o (the accented syllable rhymes with "bad"). We figure anyone who says call-uh-ROD-o or call-uh-ROD-der must be either a tourist or a short-time resident (when they pronounce the accented syllable as if it rhymes with "pod"). Despite what you may hear on local newscasts, we're call-uh-RAD-o-uns (five syllables), not call-uh-ROD-uns (four syllables).

Do I sumrise from this that Coloradans pronounce "pod" as pahd? It's very confusing for us Aussies who pronounce short o's as o's and not as a's. In call-uh-ROD-o for us ROD would rhyme with odd. So you mean you say it as cawl-uh-radduns? Where radd rhymes with bad.

Thus showing the futility of explaining how we pronounce words by comparing them with how we pronounce other words. I, and probably most Coloradans, too, would pronounce odd to rhyme with pod.

You want confusing, start trying to figure out what R means in a pronunciation explanation from a non-rhotic speaker.