Originally Posted By: morphememedley
Here Colorado native “mapguy” states,
Colorado: we natives pronounce it call-uh-RAD-o (the accented syllable rhymes with "bad"). We figure anyone who says call-uh-ROD-o or call-uh-ROD-der must be either a tourist or a short-time resident (when they pronounce the accented syllable as if it rhymes with "pod"). Despite what you may hear on local newscasts, we're call-uh-RAD-o-uns (five syllables), not call-uh-ROD-uns (four syllables).

Do I sumrise from this that Coloradans pronounce "pod" as pahd? It's very confusing for us Aussies who pronounce short o's as o's and not as a's. In call-uh-ROD-o for us ROD would rhyme with odd. So you mean you say it as cawl-uh-radduns? Where radd rhymes with bad.

Last edited by The Pook; 07/30/08 03:54 AM.