Marbles: can't help you; never played, although I am aware that various games can be played. I am surprised that the Yooper version doesn't involve beer, though.

Duck, duck: I've only heard it as Duck, duck, goose.

Rudolph: I've never heard the supplemental lyrics version of the song. Around here, kids sing the alternate cowboy version:

Irving the shiny-gunned cowboy
Had a very shiny gun
And if you ever saw it,
You would turn around and run.

All of the other cowboys
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Irving
Join in any poker games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
The sheriff came to say,
Irving with your gun so bright
Won't you kill my wife tonight?

Then all the cowboys loved him,
And they shouted out with glee,
Irving, the shiny-gunned cowboy,
You'll go down in history.