Originally Posted By: BranShea
What's wrong with those ancient Greeks anyway ? They must have had a very low opinion of women.

The opinions of their ancient writers and myths varies, as it did with all the ancients. There is also cultural disagreement over what constitutes a high or low opinion of women, too, and how that should be expressed. Many muslims argue that the hijab for example is an expression of a high view of women. Other muslims and possibly most non-muslims argue the opposite. You need to take cultural values into consideration when evaluating whether a particular myth elevates or lowers the perception of women.

Having said that... I suspect you're right - ancient Greek men were probably even more chauvinistic (yes I know that's an anachronistic tag) than today! And they were the ones who wrote the myths. For most of history in most parts of the world it's been politically correct to be that way! (Oh for the good old days!)

Last edited by The Pook; 04/29/08 11:53 PM.