Rule 4 ...

OK, looks like we could give it a try. Consensus seems to be to try it completely anonymously at least to begin with. The idea of the 50% scoring thing was to deter someone from setting a word like 'aardvaark', which might be too easy to guess even in our conversations!

Yes, I think the word, when guessed, would be announced here by the poser of the question, together with a tally of the number of times the candidate reckoned to have slipped it into use. Then the parcel would change hands.

It might be easier if I suggested clearer names for the pair of active participants in play - say, Poser and Poster? So as each Poster is rumbled, the Poser announces the result; then the Poster becomes the new Poser, sending privately a new word to whoever had successfully guessed the last one; and announces that the parcel has been passed... then in due course, announces that someone has mailed them a private note successfully guessing the word and identity of the Poster...

Clear (as mud!)? Good; I'll post a separate message to keep the active position clearly flagged.