herein, the voting results for stylite: Owlbow, BranShea, and tsuwm each collected two votes for their bluffs; while BranShea and Maven guessed the real mccoy — so BranShea can claim the Grand Prize, which is a two-week, no-expense paid stay atop the high column at
Hierapolis Bambyce, if she can unearth it. I'm sure that Owlbow and tsuwm will haply give her a hand. {applause}
a) a certain type of Styrofoam [submitted by Jackie

b) Unadorned stone tracery forming the structural border of a stained glass window. [Owlbow] twosleepy, Faldage
c) A Greek slave used as a soldier. [Faldage] wofa
Agric., jocular : a term used to refer to the illumination of a pig shelter [suggested by twosleepy, mod’ed by the hogmaster]
e) (Old French) a quill; a long wing-feather, used as a pen; often clipped, so that the birds could not fly [wofa]
f) - n - a type of ripstop nylon of extra light nature mainly used for making kites, windsocks, inflatables, banners [BranShea] etaoin, Jackie
g) Fossilized swine feces. [ASp] Owlbow
h) n., a small, pen shaped device used to write on any number of computer connected devices, such as a graphics tablet. Related to stylus, which is typically larger in size. [Maven] ÅΓª╥┐↕§
i) The top echelon of the swine pecking order. [olly]
j) adj. Having the shape or form of a stem or stick. From the Latin, stylus, stilus [twosleepy]
a Christian ascetic living atop a pillar [Merriam-Webster] BranShea, Maven
l) light-housekeeping as performed by a bachelor (coined by Dave Barry) [tsuwm] olly, ASp
the disclaimers:
o I hesitated using this word due to its inherent armillary® qualities, but I think this factor saved the round, in the event. all of those (other) whimsical entries served to obfuscate the actual (whimsical) def'n.
o The Pook submitted the following entry, "n. a person who sits on a pole, usually as a sign of religious devotion"; he was invited to resubmit but chose instead to sit out (sort of).
o twosleepy included two def'ns, giving me a choice; I altered the second (including it for humorous effect only, as it turns out) -- I justify this departure from the usual practice as filler, in that there were only nine(9) actual entries this time.
o you will have noted (hi ASp!) that I chose not to normalize the entries this time, in accordance with the resounding lack of (much) response, pro or con, in another thread. I think I'll return to my former practice next time.
o if there is a next time.