Reading today's word made me smile! The first time I, and maybe many of you, heard it was in the movie "The Wizard of Oz". We watched that movie every year when it was broadcast in the spring. I remember being very young and running to hide behind a chair when the Wicked Witch of the West showed up. I still feel that horrified chill when the crystal ball image of Auntie Em morphs into the witch... I always loved the "big words" (to me, at the time) used by Professor Marvel/the Wizard, about which I am sure my father answered many questions: vernacular, mediocre, pusillanimous, "good deed doers" (philanthropists) to name a few. The Cowardly Lion had the best poetry with his "Courage" monologue/song (the "misty mist" and the "dusky dusk")... :0)