What? Are you sure it's April 1 already? Sure it's not a joke?

Well then:

Backyard Cacophony

A large flock of crying seagulls blown in from the shore, scaring the parakeets off in shreeks.
Croaks of crows in loud protest.
Non stop tweets of titmouse and finches, frogs croacking at noon in the neighbour's
" pond " (the seize of half a bathtub), blackbirds and pigeons waiting for their crumbs of bread. The ants are out, soon I'll have my daily argument with the aphids , who are their livestock and the ruin of the apple tree.

Appletree bursting into leaf and blossom.(soundless)
Not much of a handle for discussion but just to say:
"Spring is here at last! "

Now the weather report ten minutes ago must be an April joke too and a bad one, predicting the same rainstorms and night frosts we've been having for ............far too long. \:\(

Last edited by BranShea; 04/01/08 07:27 PM.