my next sister (younger) was a late speaker, (age 3 almost) and spoke in sentences.. her first?

You G*d damned kids!

(i think nothing of using common vulgar words, (sh*t, f*ck, etc) that are generally avoided here.. but i really object to profanity (there is a commandment not to take the lords name in vain--but even G*d told the the devil "Go to hell!")

I always find it strange that the christian right in this country gets all up in arms when a bit of breast makes it on to TV, or when some one uses an earth vulgar word, but no objects to prize winners, (or what ever) saying "oh my G*d (i won a million dollars)...

my kids were taught some words were outside words (outside the house, outside of school, outside the car) --(mostly the vulgar words)

after my childhood, i decided not to use profanity, and while i generally limit my use of vulgar--i find vulgar less objectionable than profanity (and yes, i know, now days, vulgar is considered profanity.. but i think there is a difference..