There was a time when swearing was situational and one of the non-swearing situations was in front of small children. I still remember the exact situation when I first heard my dad swear (for context he was born in 1913.) I was 10 or 12 and he had just seen a child my age struck by a car and was still shaking. His using a swear word in front of his wife and kids did not encourage me to swear but did emphasize how upset he was.
I realize that I was raised in a sheltered and old fashioned environment but I still find it sad that swearing is considered almost mandatory at all times and in all company.
Kids may copy their peers but it is parents who set the limits of what is acceptable, when and where. Tho' I'm not sure that claiming "we don't say that word" is helpful 5 seconds after you have just said it.

and for the record f* is not a grammatical marker indicating a noun!!