Oh my heavens to Betsy!!! If "sucks" is the most horrible thing in your universe, you would DIE in mine! LOL! All day long I hear "f---" and "sh--" and 'ni----" and "a--" and "d---", just to name four. I have heard children just learning to speak (1-3 year-olds) use the first two without batting an eyelash; indeed without even having a clue about what they were saying, only knowing it was somehow "appropriate" in the situation. And yes, the blame is squarely on the parents and older siblings. My 15 year-old just this year figured out the "c" word (I am not one of those who believes there are inherently "bad" words, but that one just makes me shudder, and I refuse to say it!), and he knows all the above, but absent hearing them at home on a daily basis, he doesn't use them at home. I'm quite sure he uses some when he's with his friends, and out of adult earshot, but so did I. I have to admit I have some affection for the "s" word, and it's the one most likely to slip out, given sufficient motivation... :0)