Originally Posted By: themilum
Thank you Dear BranShea and Pennyless for your votes. Your gullibilities are only exceeded by your good taste and brains. It must be an embarrassment for you two ladies to vote with such elegance among such (B) to (K) tripe.
You two will go far in this World.

At this point I should mention that I am accepting late submissions until midnight, and at this point the very next person to send me one is guaranteed at least one vote.

So said Alex the Hogmaster.

So I submitted the next definition but recieved no point.

I never have won a Hogwash game.

This is not fair so I declare myself the winner.

BranShea and Pennyless I award you two points each.

'Tis true that I said that, but with what I thought to be an obviously forked tongue. However, you have argued so persuasively that it may be truly said that you have made your point. You are awarded one point plus the first annual Zachary Cope Prize, which consists of a $500 stipend*, a lifetime supply of Rolaids, and an autographed copy of Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen. This generous award was endowed by Mobil Corporation and the late Alistair Cooke so that those who cannot stop their bellyaching can at least diagnose it.

*in the form of store credit at Schipp's Fish Bait and Tackle, Barrow, Alaska