(K) Christian theology: the gift of the Christ. <-- this is a joke, do not vote. I apologize for insulting anyone's intelligence by overstating what is obvious to anyone who has read the thread below. Then again some people may vote without reading the thread, or simply deserve to have their intelligence insulted. Enjoy the game.
Where's the Joke, Alex? I derived at the definition above by giving each letter in the word SABRAGE a numerical value in accord with its position in the alphabet e.g. a=1, b=2, c-3, etc.
The number unique to the letters in "sabrage" turned out to be 19 1 2 18 1 7 5, so I googled 191218175 and was suprized to find only one google entry.
Then I returned here and wrote the definition for
Now google --> 191218175 <--
Alex Williams, I resent your implication that I am somehow insulting the intelligence of the participants on this board.
Is it the Christian aspect of my definition that you find so offensive?
I'm not personally offended but your definition has upset a neighbor and it's caused me no little trouble. Lord Satan, the elder gent next door, was most upset at your "hate speach" as he calls it. He's quite sensitive, you know. Thrown out on his arse and all that. He's been crying on my shoulder all afternoon. He's quite clingy, to be honest. (Wretched breath too, if you must know.) Can't stop complaining about how
unfair it all was, and if hadn't been for "that rascal Milton" -- he uses the word
rascal without irony, by the way, as it were the strongest possible epithet, most strange -- if it hadn't been for that rascal Milton and his slanted analysis of that whole unfortunate
misunderstanding things would've turned out much better.
So I had to console the poor creature all hours today, and he only just went home this minute. Now he's playing his fiddle, which he does when he's blue, which is quite often frankly. And he's quite good as a matter of fact but the music is so
depressing. Honestly. The hymns are the worst. I think what really has gotten him down is that he never, ever,
ever gets anything for Christmas, not all these years. And when he read your definition, "the gift of Christ," he misunderstood it
completely, and started ranting and raving about the beautiful golden harp that
He got last Christmas (always in tune, apparently), and the pony the year before that, and how
He's getting Hannah Montana tickets this year, and on and on. Made quite a spectacle of himself, frankly, although to be fair I should mention that he was in his cups. (
Fantastic wine cellar, did I mention that?)
So I thought it would be for the best if no one else voted for that particular submission, to avoid any further hurt feelings and all that. And besides its inclusion in the first place was itself a matter of jest on the coattails of nharren's [wasted] vote. So there you have it.