gentle sarcasm--huh?

tsuwm is rarely sarcastic, but when he is, he's not gentle about it!

but he is most usually a gentle kind man.

maybe, Just maybe, you mis read his post!

of course i, too could be wrong! But, i've been posting here pretty steadily for the past 7 years or so, and i've had the pleasure of meeting tsuwm in person, and i think i am a better judge of his character, (and when he is being sarcastic!)

I know i have a real problem with tone, (i sometimes sound harsh, when i am aiming for light banter) and i often have problems reading others tone

(ask poor Jackie.. i've learned to 'run' things past her.. Jackie, i repeatedly send her email or PM's and ask: "is this snarkly and mean? or am i being over sensetive and missing something?"--
most times, i am missing something..

Tone, is hard to judge..especially since, sometimes people post nasty stuff, and then slap on a smiley icon, and 'say' Just kidding..

it's hard to believe them..

other times, people gently point out.. that even the best of us, sometimes make typos.. and that the word in question, isn't a word.. (and it eludes us as we search for it in dictionaries) because its a typo!