OED comments: wrt an individual, the use of the word ‘we’ in stating his or her own opinions. Obs. rare. wrt a group of people: a self-centred attitude, corresponding to egotism in an individual. rare before 20th cent.

on the other hand:

the worthless word for [April 03, 2006 was] : wegotism

[jocular blend of we + egotism]
an obtrusive and too frequent use of the editorial we
(also called weism)

"Dr. Dwight," said an inquirer, "is it not better for
a minister, when speaking of himself, to say 'we,'
rather than 'I?'"
"I think not," answered the doctor.
"But it avoids the appearance of egotism."
"Ah, well," said Dr. Dwight, "I would rather have
egotism than wegotism."
- J. Gallaher, The Western Sketchbook (1850)

"What intolerable weism! more revolting than the
worst species of egotism!"
- Anti-Jacobin Review (1800)


Last edited by tsuwm; 10/26/07 01:07 PM.