..or, rats, how can we compete with GallantTed?

ah well,

ogerhunch, choose one:

a) a severe curvature of the dorsal spine, nowadays called "dowager's hump"

b) a small grotesque statue: gargoyle

c) [Norse mythology] Loki's land-bound familiar

d) a dead, bare tree with a single remaining branch

e) the feeling that you are about to be set upon by a monster

f) a churchgoer, e.g. gree hunger*

g) an arrogant, unfeeling, kyphotic prankster

h) [Yugoslavian origin] a sandwich made from heavy, crusty bread, seasoned veal and pork patties, and dark mustard

i) a sluttish woman who smells rank

j) any frightful or loathsome creature, especially a bat

k) the radius of the tightest section of a curve, used in calculating the correct degree of camber when designing a racecourse

the hogmaster™