Einstein, Schmeinstien. The question is not what causes the illusion of the change of direction of her spin. but what causes the illusion of a direction at all.
Faldage, Faldage, Faldage. If there is percieved movement at all it must be directional. All movement is directional. Change in form is what causes the silhouetted girl (girl to be sure) to appear to turn. But the direction of her turn is Einstonian-Schmeistonian, that is, the direction of movement is relative to the viewer.
Get in bed, Faldage. Now rotate your left foot counterclockwise. Now look at the shadow of your rotating foot on the far wall. See? It is rotating counterclockwise too.
Ok, keep rotating your foot and twist your body and head untill you are looking back at your rotating foot. Yes, now your foot is rotating clockwise but when you turn head and look at the shadow of your foot on the far wall it still rotates counterclockwise.
Now unfold yourself and ask yourself why does the silhouetted girl have a foot shadow?
After about 20 minuites you will say "Ah Ha!" and then you will smile and shout " Milo! You magnificient basta...I mean, Milo! I read your book."