Hey, Spud, welcome! :-)

is there any hope of doing anything about it?
Now that, I dunno; but I can say that I think the sentence you quoted is terrible, for the reasons you stated.

Some time ago, someone here brought up the phrase (I) "graduated high school". At the time, I hadn't heard (read: noticed) that usage, but since then I've heard it all over the place--and it grates on my nerves.

Language changes are sweeping, I guess...including sweeping aside the objections of some folks. There are some who are battling, however, such as The Apostrophe Protection Society. See web page. Maybe you could start a similar group for use of the word substitute!

I would be interested to know whether anyone in the States has seen the word used as our friend from the UK describes. In other words, is it a British-only (mis)usage? I am thinking of an expression at least one Brit-speaking friend uses that always gives me pause: that someone is "meant to do" something, where we would say was supposed to do something.