theMilum said


Hey Nightotter; get your kicks on route sickly-six.
And not on this forum where people care little about turds.

What-ho! What gives old scout? Sensitive type? Re-examine the evidence Milum, you silly thing. Considering the vastness of the English language and all its glorious gritty nastiness, turd is hardly among the most notorious, what?

I was interested in PURE being used as a word for dog refuse. A little irony came my way when I first read of its Victorian usage because I usually use the word in a very different way. When input was given by those who were not as police-minded as you we discovered and we learned.

And, I feel, that my 'p.s' was also on-topic for this forum. The word "owner" is the point, not turd. If one were writing a serious (legal) paper on the rights of pets and their masters and how they interact with the general public, WORDING would be very important. I'm sorry that I didn't sanitize, what now seems to be, the offensive word.

Can you at least point out how I used the word gratuitously?

If this subject has offended the majority of you, I will decamp and leave you to your wordy forum (abridged edition).

pip pip

The Hon. N Otter.