
Have to say I'm with Ted on this one. An example such as the above (the Douglas Adams one, I mean) is fine, for me, to look at. But reading, and trying to decode/decipher/relate an entire book or even chapter is w-a-y more trouble than I want to go to, thanks.

Perhaps for the humour-deprived (at least two of whom have seen fit to respond so far), I should have included the next bit of the book. That may have made clear that what Adams wrote was, what do you call it, oh yes, that's it, A JOKE!!


Zaphod took a moment or two to find his way through this
labyrinthine string of negatives and emerged at the other end
with surprise.

I will also repeat my inital reason for posting the Adams quote. It was to show the influence of Carroll on Adams writing. Both used the ridiculously elaborate sentence structures to entertain. Apparently, their intent seems to have been lost on some readers.