As a New Years' gift Bill Gates' industrious minions have conferred upon us still another aggravation...

...wherein Google has gratituitously modified its toolbar so that a spell check, formerly requiring only two keystrokes to employ, now requires six

It is a dedicated and continuing objective in the World of Bill Gates to make everything as difficult as possible. But six keystrokes to perform the simplest and most frequently needed routine is hardly a record. In Microsoft Word, when Bill senses in your file more spelling "errors" than he thinks you should have perpetrated, he stops checking and deletes all the wiggly green lines that flag them

Eighteen keystrokes are required to restore this spellcheck. To save myself hours of accumulated time over the remaining few years of my life I recorded a macro for the purpose. If you're interested I am

Shortly after noting the above "enhancement" to the Google toolbar I had to go to the bathroom, where I experienced some difficulty tearing open the package of 24 Simply Soft; whereupon inside I found six packages of 4 each to unwrap. But if Bill had been on Stater Bros Board of Directors, these four would have been individually wrapped also

Eventually he would have found a way to wrap each sheet

Last edited by dalehileman; 01/02/07 03:13 PM.
