I think that's everybody we're likely to hear from.

And now, the results you've all been waiting for [drum-roll]:


a) an extremely potent retsina wine from northern Greece
-- submitted by TEd Remington
-- chosen by consuelo, Jackie

b) a North American Algonquin Indian ceremony commonly known as a spirit or vision quest, later maintained by their descendants
-- submitted by musick
-- chosen by Faldage, tsuwm

c) someone to be avoided: Ornery, Nasty, And Pretty Pissed Off
-- submitted by consuelo
-- chosen by no one

d) a Sephardic Hanukkah dish similar to latkes, but made with rice instead of potatoes
-- submitted by AnnaStrophic
-- chosen by musick

e) engaged to be married (Irish slang) *
-- submitted by GallantTed
-- chosen by no one

f) a musk hog, until 1975 known only to Paraguayan Indians; pictured here. (The GUARANI language has only UPPER CASE.) **
-- submitted by themilum
-- chosen by pennyless, with an honorable mention by belMarduk

g) ventriloquist monkey (from South America)
-- Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 edition; the correct answer
-- chosen by the(happybirthday)milum, ParkinT

h) former trade name for an Australian sticky sweet, now generic for any messy candy eaten/demanded by children
-- submitted by shanks
-- chosen by etaoin

i) Original Natural Alliance for Perpetual Precipitation in Orlando
-- submitted by ParkinT
-- chosen by TEd Remington (whether he knows it or not)

j) spawning salmon (Ojibway) [pre-edit i]
-- submitted by Elizabeth Creith
-- chosen by belMarduk, AnnaStrophic

k) a large rodent of Central America [pre-edit j]
-- submitted by Faldage
-- chosen by Elizabeth Creith, Aramis11


* (re: e)
A note of explanation from GallantTed:

“Howya --

We had a little chat about this one beyont in Slasher's jint and we all concored umnaniously that it's defanately somethin ta do with been engaged ta be marrayed. Eg - someone might say "Did ya hear that Miss So n So has got herself onappo-ed ta a fierce lovly fella alltagather!"

Cos ya know when yer in the loo - or is it the john ye do be callen it - it's sed ta be engaged. And when ya first go ta the loo as a young fella, it'a on a potty, which is also called a po - so yer onappo, ie - on a po.

Now at this stage, I'm not too sure where the exter P comes in, but I'd like ta strenthen me case by pinten out that when ya get proposed ta, ya usually say "yes" and onappo backwards reads oppano ie - opp a no, ie - opposed ta no, ie - yes.

So in conclusion, onappo means ta be engaged ta be marrayed.”


** (re:f)
I think the picture is really a Chacoan peccary. (Confirmation, milo?) D’ya think maybe he looks a bit like a kiwi bird? No, I guess not; the head's too big.


Last Hogwash of 2006 ! Apologies to anyone I've slighted by clerical error, and thanks to everyone for your fancies, your thoughts, your comments, even your cavils and your snickers, but above all your smiles. And a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year to all (with emphasis on healthy) !