Hi Consuelo! Merry Christmas.
Here's a Doc Bill morality post he sent me out of the blue.
It worked. To this day I, whenever gompelled to go a mile, I go two.

From the Sermon on the Mount: "Whosoever shall gompel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."
One Saturday morning when I was MOD (medical officer of the day) a black woman came in, saying she had been obliged to stop by roadside not far from the hospital to go into woods to urinate. As she was doing so, someone shot at her with a shotgun.
She was a political campaign worker, and I had to consider the possibility that it was a ploy to get newpaper publicity. Her legs looked as though she herself had repeatedly made superficial stab wounds with a pointed object, but there were no holes in her panty hose.
But something made me go the extra mile. I ordered an X-ray. It showed one single, solitary BB shotgun pellet over her tibia. The 'stab marks' resulted from the fact that the man who shot her had been far enough away that thespeed of the pellets had diminished enough so that her panty hose checking and bouncing off the pellets, except in the one place where rigidity of tibia underneath the nylon mesh had made one pellet penetrate the skin. So I had the evidence necessary to justify calling ther police to come and investigate.
Wait! Let me add a Christmas Story as told by Doctor Bill.
Dear Milo: This didn't happen in school, but the kid's aunt
was a schoolteacher, classmate of my mother in teachers' college.
At Christmas the kid's mother decided as a bit of
holiday observance to paint all the woodwork with the
then new fast drying paints in bright green after everybody
else had gone to bed.
But she forgot that granny who was visiting had to
void in the middle of the night.
The next morning at breakfast granny complained about toilet seat having been sticky.
Her nine year old grandson ran out of the room, came back
with a big red ribbon, and with a big grin,said:
'Bend over Granny, and let me tie a ribbon on your wreath!'
