Abbreviations were invented to save space. They are only a blight on an unlimited-string bulletin board that word-wraps text. Here is an excerpt from an obscure, unpublished work:

Once I actually received a note with at least this ________________________ much space at the end of a typed line: “ one scheduled for 4-6 Jun 02 at...” Well, is not the whole reason for abbreviation to save space? Certainly it does not read better. But the writer could not wedge in one more letter and two numbers? Maybe the only reason we have not converted to all three-letter months is no one could figure out how to say “Apr”. I swear I used to see a signature portion of an official letter form, with plenty of space that abbreviated ‘Chief’ as ‘Chf.’, because five letters must have been too many. Egd.!
The abbreviation thing also seems to have evolved into a ‘lazy typist’ trend. I did not enjoy typing class in school but it certainly was one of the most useful things I ever learned. But in this age of technology, a modern computer keyboard seems to make it harder for some of us to type in much the same way as power steering makes it more difficult to drive.

It rambles on some more but you get the idea. Actually that last bit you posted was not so bad. Just a thought: Some word processors can be customized to replace text on the fly, e.g. dumping out 'abbreviation' from typing 'abb '.