Sorry if this sounds like its making fun of any groups of people. But I wanted to mention the word 'ugg' and 'how' as used in early western tv shows and movies.

These words were used as exclamations by tv indians (native Americans) and far from being simple, I find them to have within them a world of beautiful meaning.

'How' with the right hand upraised palm forward is at once an openhearted gesture of greeting, peace and friendly inquiry.

And 'ugg' (sp?) spoken around the fire is a perfect exclamation of agreement or resolution at an experiential and pre-verbal level.

I offer them as examples of a kind of communication tending toward peace and congeniality, words that cannot be translated perhaps, but that need no translation.

These two words should take up residence with other favorites such as 'aloha', 'ciao', and 'dobje' (Polish)