Wonderfully clear, Alex, you too, Hydra, and Faldage...I heard that!

Now to the point. If in fact a counter intutive or a seemingly trans-logical method of decision making exists such as that which we have demonstrated here, then the processes of our evolution must have incorporated those methods within the circuits of our brains. (You known like a woman's intuition; or a woman's prerogative to change her mind,)

As an example of how the Monty Hall Paradox could be utilized to assist in our survival I offer this hypothetical as a case in point...

Al Gore was right. Global Warming has come and gone, leaving only four people alive and who are camped out in the top floor of the Empire State Building eagerly awaiting the comming Ice Age.

They are a throughly modern crew -- one woman and three New York Metrosexuals -- their mission is to re-populate Earth.
The woman, a good Christian lady from Alabama, must choose between the three men -- Freddy, Perk, and Tony -- but all are equally dull and she can't decide, so (what the hell) she flips a coin and selects Tony.

Bad luck. Before she can tell Tony of his fate by chance she intercepts a love letter writtten by Perk to either Freddy or Tony. (New York has a 2006 law that decrees a person's biological sex is officially immaterial, anyone can be whichever sex they want to be as long as they openly declare it so) Hmmm?

Now your question: Does the nice woman from Alabama now change her choice from Tony to Freddy or stay with Tony?

Take your time. Only the fate of all future mankind awaits your answer.

Last edited by themilum; 11/08/06 10:19 AM.