
and con, yes I probably did but don't hold it against me

I do hold it against you that you asked a question for which I took the time to provide an answer to and then you proceeded as if I had never answered your question. That is unconscionably rude. Just who do you want to answer your question, then, if not one of the people that was here at the time? Could it be that private discussion of this topic is not what you are after? If so, that is being insensitive to the people that are still here that suffered most ( Jackie being one) from the experience. I hope that this makes it through your feeble-old-man understanding and that we will never see another link to Wordcrafters or another refernce from you on this subject. After all, you are not a three year old.

When my children were young, I worked with them so that they could understand right from wrong. When they did something wrong, I explained to them what they had done wrong and why it was wrong. When they repeated the behavior, I reminded them that we had discussed the whats and whys the last time, refreshed their memories and told them what the consequences would be if they repeated the behavior yet again. Consider yourself warned and prepare to drop trou if you repeat this behavior again.

Last edited by consuelo; 11/07/06 12:23 AM.