For sure, BelMarduk, tsuwm and the guys are a wild and crazy bunch but "contravivulating" is not a word and it wasn't retroactive voting that made this country great.

If everybody is allowed to go back in time and change their vote (like tsuwm wanted) then nobody on the TV Survivor shows could ever be permanently voted off the island; and as well, that talentless, skinny, one-note chick from California would probably be retro-voted by the wishee washee public and elected the reigning American Idol over that cool guy from Alabama; and may God help us all, that pompous whimp, John Kerry, would likely have retro-replaced President Bush as President of the US and by now the fanatical Islamofascists would have already blown us to smithereens.

"Smithereens" now that's a real word; a word we can all understand.