Ok, Elizabeth, I give up, tswum is right, you like Ted more than you like me.

I don't blame you. I am a loser. I've been a loser all my life. When all my friends graduated and went off to high school I kept working at my job at the Dolimite all-night self-service service station instead. I was a dreamer. None of my schemes ever worked out. I invented the dunk-proof donut and went broke. I wrote and recorded a sequel to Wilson Pickett's hit song "Mustang Sally". I called it "Mustang Sammy". It was a good song but no one liked it so I went broke. Huh!

But I never gave up.
Like right now.
Hey! I got a great idea for a game of new Hogwash! I call it Macho Hogwash and nobody can play but real men. No whining, no tip-toeing around brusied feelings, just a simple good ol' ass and donkey kicking like we use to have back before women decided that they were men.

Hey tsuwm! Remrmber the Hebrew word that was so filthy, so utterly vile and vulgar that it has only been spoken twice in the history of the World. The first time it was spoken by the Devil who fell dead on the spot. The next time the Devil II (who is our current devil) spoke the word and was immediately dispatched to a fiery Hell where he is today.

We need a word like that but worse.

Hot dog! O'boy! This is gonna be great! And if any of the chicks here try to insinuate themselves into the proceedings we'll report the infraction to Jackie who will come down and put then in their place forever.

Last edited by themilum; 09/08/06 08:38 PM.